Bad Lyrics

I saw some things behind the sun
And I wonder why I felt sad.
With eyes wide open I can’t disappear.
My body was frozen in fear.
I always thought I feel free with you,
But you’ve lied to me every day.
So many years blowing away,
Without knowing who I really am.

You talk with me for a while
- I feel so bad
you walk with me for some time
- I feel so bad.

You stole my life, I steel it back
Yeah, I have no time for my death.
There is no reason to close the door
I won’t hide myself anymore.
Now I feel the sound of my life.
And the rhythm of my soul.
With arms wide open under the sun
Whitout you there’s much more fun.

You talk with me for a while
- I feel so bad
you walk with me for some time
- I feel so bad.

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these lyrics are submitted by Liz
Record Label(s): 2012 8 Loops Records
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