From the beginning of times,
Adam and Eve lied.
Cheated by the great deceiver.
The serpent has poisoned us.
Burn. Burning Babylon.
Burn. Burning Babylon.
Attracted by forbidden things,
We were condemned to pain,
And suffering from that first day.
We were born and then we fell.
Burn. Burning Babylon.
Burn. Burning Babylon.
The sick philosophers of ancient Greece.
The seed of perversion has fostered the sin.
The romans and their tyrannical rules,
Have crucified the one who was to save them.
Lust and Hate have locked them up.
Today I see all the damned defying us.
So then we'll go to exterminate them.
They will pay for the harm they have done.
Burn. Burning Babylon.
Burn. Burning Babylon.