Total views: 1 time this week / Rating: 7.17/10 [6 votes]Album: The Man Without a Name / Original Release Date: 2012-02-25Genre: Spoken WordSong Duration: 2 min 56 sec
Imagine, nothing
Not darkness since darkness is something
Imagine no darkness
No thing to look at
No eyes to look with
Even without eyes there was nothing to miss
Wait. No space to be empty
Imagine no emptiness
Imagine no imagination
Now, imagine creation
Materialized speech rising from the lips of He who preexists
“In the beginning, God created…”
With words
Imagine the language
Imagine the verbs
Imagine the adjectives employed to modify earth
Oh that ears could have heard those majestic sentences
Listen as The Infinite articulates the landscapes which leave us speechless
Speak LORD speak!
Let there be
Light! Life! Earth! Sea!
Speak LORD speak
Let there be, for our world is