© Electric Babylon Music Author: M.M.
Hey mama hey mama can I have this thing, Mickey put that back boy I’m
gona slap your ass, hey mama hey mama can I have one ofthose, boy get
over here you’ve got to try on these clothes.
Mama I really wanted that electric guitar, son that wasn’t a real guitar it
was just a toy, but ma I wana learn how to be a star, sometimes I don’t
know what I’m gona do with you boy.
Hey mama can we stop at Kmart and buy me a record, ok honey but we
can only get one, hey mama I can’t decide; can I get both, I said just one;
don’t argue are you wont get any. Ok I’ll get this one; ma have you heard
this on the radio, I’m not sure; tell me how does it go, it goes hey mama
can I have this thing, yeah that sounds familiar; my little angel you sure
can sing.
Honey it’s time for you to go to bed, if you can get that silly little song
out of your head, mama I wish I could get that other record too, honey I’ll
get it for you next week if you do good in school, mama when I grow up
I’m gona buy me everything, baby I’m sure you will; good night sweet