Devil I Can't Talk To Lyrics

I was back sliding home from another hard day
I thought I'd stop for a cold one along the way
She was sitting at the bar smiling real big at me
She had a sultry look that would put you on your knees
She ordered a couple those long Island teas
I looked around and I wondered what I'd do
It's just another Devil I can't talk to
'Cause when I open my mouth I get pulled in
To turbulent waters where I can't swim
Help me Lord can you pull me through
Ah, it's just another Devil I can't talk to

Coming home from church last Sunday night
I found a game in the alley and the pot was right
Money was flowing like water down a dusty road
I want to get on down and roll them bones
But time and again it won't leave me alone
And you know who could use a new pair of shoes
Ah it's just another Devil I can't talk to

Well I don't want to say no, and I can't say when
I think temptation is my only friend
It happens all the time, it's nothing new
Well it's just another Devil I can't talk to

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Record Label(s): 2004 Breakin Records
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