This change in me
What can it be?
Is it really true?
If the answer is "yes"
Then I confess
Here´s who I owe it to:
Photogenic, schizophrenic you
With your golden hair askew
I drool about your dual personality
´Cause I know that both of them are mad for me
Photogenic, schizophrenic you
Photogenic, schizophrenic you
Though your every mood is blue
You have gazed at no one else, I swear
You have told me by your vacant stare
And my name on your tattoo
Photogenic, schizophrenic you
With your thirty-six I.Q.
Is everybody crazy?
Your tender kisses give me just as many thrills
As if I took twenty tranquilizer pills
Photogenic, schizophrenic you
You have gained so very much renown
In your strapless hospital gown
Oh, I will spoon with you for all my life
´Cause they won´t let me have a fork or knive
Photogenic, schizophrenic you
And your new tattoo