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Dreamsong (feat. Amber Coffman) video


Dreamsong Lyrics (feat. Amber Coffman)

What did you dream about last night?
How did you feel about when you woke up today?
I had a dream about you last night
Why do they always end the same way?

I wanna know what happened last night
After you closed your eyes
Was it scary or weird?
Or do you not remember
Did you want it to end or reprise?

You don't have to dream about me
I can't help but dream about you
Ooh, and there's nothing you can do
Ooh, and there's nothing you can do

I had a dream where I was a princess
And I had to rule, but I didn't know how
And before I could learn, I turned into someone
I knew long ago but I don't know now
Then there's the one where I'm watching my own life
Sung like an opera without any sound
When I get to the part about falling in love
The conductor runs off and the curtain comes down
You don't have to dream about me
But I can't help but dream about you
Ooh, and there's nothing you can do
Ooh, and there's nothing you can do

I wake up and remember exactly how you feel
So pinch me, baby, 'cuz it's hard to know what's real

You put the postcard I sent
Under your pillow, just to see
I don't care if it worked, or what
It's enough that you're trying to dream about me

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Songwriter(s): Nate Heller

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