Stuck In The Middle Lyrics

I'm not an idiot though I may get some things wrong
I'm not stupid I'm figuring it out as I go along

Sometimes my mind and heart disagree
And I don't always know who to follow so I have to start belive me
Stuck in the middle in a small space with just enough room for mistake
I never said I knew what I was doing
I'm stuck in the middle
What's wrong and right with no one to be my guiding light
I never said I knew what I was doing
Cus the fiction is that the way to go
Is that the road I should be on
Or is it forgiveness
I'm damned if I do damned if I don't
My mind says let go my heart says hold on
What the hell do you do when both feel right when both feel wrong
Stuck in the middle in a small space with just enough room for mistake
I never said I knew what I was doing
I'm stuck in the middle
What's wrong and right with no one to be my guiding light
I never said I knew what I was doing
Everybody knows what I should've done
Everyone's got all the answers
But the one I need to be around with
Who I see in the mirror
Stuck in the middle in a small space with just enough room for mistake
I never said I knew what I was doing
I'm stuck in the middle
What's wrong and right with no one to be my guiding light

I never said I knew what I was doing
Stuck in the middle in a small space with just enough room for mistake
I never said I knew what I was doing
I'm stuck in the middle
What's wrong and right with no one to be my guiding light
I never said I knew what I was doing

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Songwriter(s): Martin Weiland, Lennart A. Salomon, Florian Sikorski

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