Miasmic, flatulent rima pudendi, syncretion of labia
pubendi minora
Scrappy, encrusted vulva, erasionated labia pubendi
... Secretions and cruor... dripping on the floor...
Pubetomy... to pyocele, bend and scrape out the insides
Cavus vulva... suffused with ichor, remains, granulate
and grind
Rencerous vulncontusm, into cavum uteri, purge and graze
out the womb, gynecological misery
Malignant ectyma covers the turgid inner parts, corroded
hymenal shreds, pulled out and hacked
Vaginal obliteration, elytrocleisy is now a fact
Cunnilingus... into bradyphagia, female flesh - devour
and engulf
Ovarierrhexis... press forth the blood, lick and swallow
the putrid pulp