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Fight Lyrics

I will not sit up in the nose bleeds
I will not stop until they know me
I want you all to listen closely
Before I mother f*ckin proceed

Yeah, when you're grinding on the low key
And they're complacent with their low needs
Don't ever stall, just keep on going
You keep on working, keep on growing

I've never felt so alive
Keep working until I die
I know what I want in life
And I'm gonna fight, I'll fight

Oh no I never feel complacent
Only got so much time don't waste it
And know that you cannot contain this
Cause if I want it then I'll gain it

No I don't wanna hear complaints bitch
I'm sick of hearing all the same shit
You really want it, then go take it
You really want it, then go make it

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Songwriter(s): Cam Wales, Brandon Horth

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