Superboy and the invisible girl
Son of steal and daughter of air
He's a hero, a lover, a prince
She's not there
Superboy and the invisible girl
Everything a kid ough to be
He's immortal, forever alive
Then there's me
I wish I could fly
And magically appear and disappear
I wish I could fly
I'd fly far away from here
Superboy and the invisible girl
He's the one you wish would appear
He's your hero, forever your son
He's not here
I am here
You know that's not true
You're our little pride and joy, our perfect plan
You know I love you
I love you as much as I can
Take a look at the invisible girl
Here she is, clear as the day
Please look closer and find her before
She fades away
Superboy and the invisible girl
Son of steal and daughter of air
He's a hero, a lover, a prince
She's not there
She's not there
She's not there
She's not there