You were simply untrue
A lie to see through
I tell you we’re one and the same
Makes a carrier brain
And when they complain
Just tell them it’s one and the same
Fog that turns into rain
And flows down the drain
That ocean is one and the same
Twins, the dirt and the sky
The flames and the eyes
I tell you they’re one and the same
One and the same
My face and the mirror
The sound of my name
One lone island onto itself
Stands in the vast of middle shell
One eye blinks while the other one sees
The very same tricks of the very same flea
Surely to goodness, you cannot tell
The meager difference between a pail and a well
When you’re dying of thirst
Can’t you see, it’s all the same to me
Me, a lie basically
Like a rock or a tree
I tell you we’re one and the same
Stakes, the curl in the wisps
At the flick of a switch
They flick on that very same day
You and whatever you do
I’m doing it to
I tell you, we’re one and the same
Who and what, where, and when
All [?] in the end
I tell you it’s one and the same
One and the same
Your face and the portrait
The sound of your name