Total views: 4 times this week / Rating: 7/10 [23 votes]Album: Emmanuel - Norman Hutchins & JDI Christmas / Original Release Date: 2001Genre: ChristmasSong Duration: 4 min 24 sec
It means Jesus is the reason and we must never forget that ... have a blessed holiday, May Jesus be with you and as you sing this song remember Jesus is the reason and that you didn't necessarily have to get presents it just is a way to show God's love
ALAJAY December 21, 2012-10:26
This is a song calling for the worship of the reason for the season, JESUS. It's a well arranged, instrumentally consistent and vocally efficient peice. Great job Norman Hutchins, God bless and be with you and your choir! Emmanuel.
Alexander sadiq November 27, 2012-16:01
I lov dis song.its indeed a soul nd spirit lifting i wish 2 b by ur many hours do u use for reharsing a day
jmorsh October 21, 2012-4:37
These song is so inspirational,its lifting up my spirit each time I'm listening 2 it. Norman Hutchins kudos 2 u and God bless u real good.
It means Jesus is the reason and we must never forget that ... have a blessed holiday, May Jesus be with you and as you sing this song remember Jesus is the reason and that you didn't necessarily have to get presents it just is a way to show God's love