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Bloodlines Lyrics

I want to see what you are
I just want to watch you crawl
It's true, I'll trade a loss for a gain
It's true, I will delight in your pain
I have tasted blood, and I can't get enough
It's true, I'll trade a loss for a gain
It's true, I will delight in your pain

I want to be where you are
I want to be where you are
I want to be where you are
I want to be where you are

So now the chemistry is running out
I saw it trickle from the corners of your fickle mouth
I want to bathe in the glory of the dreadful sound
Well, you said you wanted in?
Well, you've got access now
So just try and tell me what you need, what you need
You gotta try and tell me what you need
So try and tell me what you mean, what you mean
You gotta talk to tell me what you mean

Know I will be where you are
In truth, in life, in death, in light and dark
Know I will be where you are
In truth, in life, in death, in light and dark
I will be with you

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Record Label(s): 2016 Triple Crown Records
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