In the pen with the mastiffs bred to fight rats
In the bowels of the arena
I received a kiss with a promise that produced
Deformities of happiness
The laughter there is viscous
It leaves a residue down the legs of the chairs
Since you lost the will to hear
They get your attention grabbing fistfuls of your hair
These amphibian days they won't appeal to you
You can defy the defining flaw
Of your generation
The heavens vomited the dawn upon us
As we learned how to occupy photographs
She descended a stairway composed of silk
And flicked her cigarette
As I sweat through my black hex
I saw you two climax in spasms through a frosted window
You both came in electronics and anthemic bursts
Of a santiary flame
If this is dodderous which one of us is it kidding now?
Which one aracheo?
This bastard conveyance of extinct emotions
That we know only in ourselves
I labor to tempt you out of your cage
And into my betrothed
Until this vessel lands I have decided to ignore
All impulse control