They said you wouldn’t do it
And you stepped up
Defended yourself in a way that I didn’t think you willing of
Took hold of things that way
Then moved aside
Refusing to give yourself in now meant knowing coldly what lived and what died
The ruins of things past will overwhelm
Everything from a certain time on
But what is there to do?
But take heed of what I say
You shouldn’t live here
Sure there must some matching some place else to the pattern of your beauty, your joy, your fears
Discard now what I once said
That you shouldn’t leave here
We now both see what lives still and what died, and the later includes us, isn’t it clear?
Eventually we accept who we are
And let go of things to go their own way
And go ourselves our way
The ruins of things past will overwhelm
Everything from a certain time through
There’s nothing we can do
There’s no forging of things on a human’s view
That can grant anyone the upper hand
Go find your other men