Rich man must spend to find his pleasure
Poor man gets bored with too much leisure
A year ago I saw a happy man
I tried to hold his arm and talk but he ran
I heard a chuckle from behind
Catch me if you can
Look now for clues of his elation
Was the happy man sad and on vacation?
I hadn't seen him in a month of Sundays
I found him climbin' up an aspen tree one day
He leaped a laughing leap
Catch me if you can
Clench the fist and curse the beast
Vent the rage inside you
Beat your head against a tree
Take a break to come to
Today I saw him a-postered in yellow
He hummed a tune that ran so soft and mellow
He tipped his hat and waved his hand
He sprouted wings and he smiled
Catch me if you can
If you can