ONE-EYED DOLL Brief Candle Lyrics
Sleeping Beauty
Thing of the past
Dreams like this weren't made to last
Open my eyes to find a hand is shaking me
Horror story
Thing of the past
Nightmares were not made to last
Closing my eyes to find a true awakening
Brief candle; burn away
I will die another day
Goblins in my passageway
Cannot keep this life at bay
War story
Thing of the past
Soldiers were not made to last
Ears full of gunfire and eyes full of blood
A casualty
Love story
Thing of the past
Innocence was not made to last
All that remains of him is a child inside of me
Inside of me
Inside of me
Brief candle; burn away
I will die another day
Goblins in my passageway
Cannot keep this life at bay
Brief candle; burn away
I will die another day
Goblins in my passageway
Cannot keep this life at bay
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