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Lonely Dirges
Paul Michel
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Lonely Dirges Lyrics

I'm getting weaker now
The fire's dying down
But still i'm wondering
How this turns out
I'm getting sober
And i could still make it home
I swear it's not that bad
As time can attest
I resolve to be a man about town
Singing all the lonely dirges of my youth
Forgive me, girl
I've been immodest and a fool
Don't say i'm not that bad
I can tell it's a lie
I'm saying this now
And i'll regret this conversation's every word
These things sometimes have to be said
I resolve to be a man about town
Singing all the lonely dirges of my youth
And i resolve to never fear and never doubt
I'll never run again
As long as i have ground
Back and forth
In and out
Say it with me now
Can only wait so long
Back and forth
In and out
Sing it with me now
Can only wait so long
I resolve to be a man about town
Singing all the lonely dirges of my youth....

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Record Label(s): 2005 Paul Michel
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