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From Ebb To Flood
Paul Mounsey


From Ebb To Flood Lyrics

Like a wave of the sea...
Like a wave of the sea,
Like a wave of the sea,
Like a wave of the sea from flood to ebb,
Like a wave of the sea from ebb to flood,
Like a wave of the sea,
You are whiter than the swan on the swampy lake,
You are whiter than the seagull of the stream,
You are whiter than the snow on the lofty peaks,
You are whiter than the angels of heaven,
You are the lovely red rowan that calmes the wrath,
That calmes the wrath and anger of all men,
Like a wave of the sea from flood to ebb,
Like a wave of the sea from ebb to flood,
You are whiter than the swan on the swampy lake,
You are whiter than the seagull of the stream,
You are whiter than the snow on the lofty peaks,
You are whiter than the angels of heaven,
You are the lovely red rowan that calmes the wrath,
That calmes the wrath and anger of all men,
Like a wave of the sea from flood to ebb,
Like a wave of the sea from ebb to flood,

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 1994 Iona Records
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