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Peter Von Poehl
Official pageMexico video


Mexico Lyrics

I woke up at dawn
not even the tide was up,
getting ready to run,
but the last lune was fighting back.

I opened my eyes, eventually
not quite sure of where i was;
still in mexico, of course.

I got out of bed
like an eavesdropper lodging in this place
an unfamiliar face,
a new day glimmering.

I stepped out into the sand.
I'm a stranger in this land
and I'm far from mexico.
I'm far from mexico.

I once saw a book
carelessly left on display.
You were not supposed to look
as if I wasn't crazy enough;

I saw pages filled with aphorisms
and the things you didn't tell.
You knew mexico quite well.
You knew mexico quite well.

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these lyrics are submitted by BURKUL4
Record Label(s): 2009 Nest & Sound PVP
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