Meaning to "Team Rocket's Motto" song lyrics(15 meanings)
Lzord the Majestic Cat April 26, 2017-19:11
Hey, did anyone else think that Jessie and James were adults, when they're actually 15? I had no idea and practically went crazy when I figured out.
OH NOO March 14, 2017-13:21
this sonG mAkEs the dark paaaiiin go away and i like to listen to it when I hug my dogs
Jess January 30, 2017-7:00
I find this song very funny and I don't know why during when they sing it ash and the gang just get pikachu back.
Squirtal July 16, 2015-16:17
Actually if you watch when Ashz Misty, and Terry return from the Orange Islands, Ash has a birthday. So technically Ash is now 11. As for Jessie and James, yes they like each other it's obvious. They act like they don't, but they do. James is not gay.
That Pokemon and Zelda fan April 22, 2014-20:51
I love this motto!!!!! I love you Team Rocket! I DO NOT think you are evil(PS, Jessie-you're really hot). I am a 13 year old dude and I recently got into Pokemon(mostly the show) so my younger brother and I memorized this motto! Hardcore!!!! I love Zelda, Nintendo, Halo and Pokemon! Friend me on Miivers at Fisher and my network code is linkandtingle. Follow me! I love to talk! I love Nintendo! Mr. Miyamato, you are the bomb!
Pikachu September 6, 2012-21:43
If Pokemon are real where would they be???? Please tell me!!!!!!!! My little brother always watches Pokemon when ever the motto is on my older brothersays it he knows it perfectly!!! I want to know it 2!!!! my real name is lily not pikachu!!!!!!!
Double Cheezburgerz July 2, 2012-7:52
When James goes through the mc Donald's drive through he makes sure he gets his double cheeseburger :P
Rachel Lynn H. June 23, 2012-0:18
James confessed he's gay. And that he's the baby daddy to Jessie's child. He's not in love with her, although people think that. He wears drag, doesn't love Jessie, and likes musical theater.
Meowth March 9, 2012-20:32
Its not fair!! I'm so unappreciated!!! I should get more than ONE stupid line!!! I mean I'm the pokemon!!!! But then again I shouldn't talk but I do.....
misty January 22, 2012-0:42
This song reminds me of my brings back the best of memories and I'm still a poke'mon master.
Hey, did anyone else think that Jessie and James were adults, when they're actually 15? I had no idea and practically went crazy when I figured out.