He came by the sea
Leading a trail of grief
He stole all he could
Lovers bones fill the woods
And he charmed and he charmed so true
Eye shed a liars clue
And the hearts and the hearts he held
Had a murderous tale to tell
She rode through the night
Filled with rage and fright
She laughed all the time
For the soul she left behind
And she charmed and she charmed so true
Eye shed a liars clue
And the hearts and the hearts she held
Had a murderous tale to tell
Light hides behind
Loneliness we can't see
And dark covers the leaves
Of ghostly tales of how we breathe
He held her hand tight
With the other one to the knife
She poured his last drink
With the poison to make him sink
And he charmed and he charmed so true
Eye shed a liars clue
And the hearts and the hearts she held
Had a murderous tale to tell
She walked on quiet land
With the weight of the devils hands
And his boots filled red blood
His chest sank in the mud
And he fell and he fell right in
Poison singing her last sins
And she fell and she fell right in
Where the knife sung a gleaming hymn
Light hides behind
Loneliness we can't see
And dark covers the leaves
Of ghostly tales of how we breathe