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Prayer Boat
Prayer Boat wikiSaved video


Saved Lyrics

Baby we're already saved
We can never be apart
Baby we're already saved
We can never be apart

There's no sadder song than this one
You wake up alone in my arms
All we want to do is breathe easily
Wild eyes were all our charms

Baby we're already saved
We can never be apart
Baby we're already saved
We can never be apart

Do I turn around and now like a child
Go looking for another lesson to be learned
How can I believe in love without a love?
it's hard to learn this way, I’d rather play God

Baby we're already saved
We can never be apart

So here’s my story, everything is for you
Here’s my pain
There's no glory in winning
Here’s my new la la

We lie as lovers on a bed of lies
it's the weight of my life to be here with you now
But I never left before
For now we have to breathe to bring this love alive
We'll let each other go, let it go..........let it go

Baby we're already saved
We can never be apart
Baby we're already saved
We can never be apart
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh...

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2009 Feudal Records
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