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Cybernation Lyrics

another facist will loose on his grip
tag you a liar, step on your trip
ride in a techno warzone
and it's making you high, keeping you high

killer nation
mother nation
cyber nation
money nation

someday a false-you told me in blitz
throw in the eightball
and poop on a stick
line up the fathers againt the wall
and your digging hole, digging a hole
deconstruction of man as you know it
the war that you'll make, you'll reap as you sow it
ride on the back of the sacred cow
and it's taking you down, tearing you down

another facist will loose on his grip
tag you a liar, step on your trip
walk in a techno warzone
and it's making you high, keeping you high

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these lyrics are submitted by gsba3
Songwriter(s): Psychotica
Record Label(s): 1996 American Recordings, LLC
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