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Illuminant Lyrics

In our time
Oh, you never know for sure
While you follow the people
Who really got nothing on you
Why do they make you feel small?


In silence
It's alright
You can be the beautiful one
Shine a light
On broken signs
Between language and thought

Holding onto fictions you want to believe
Or an ignorant bliss to set you free

And when it's gone, it's gone for you like all of us
Want to belong, belong here
And when it's gone, it's gone for you like anyone
Wants to belong, belong here
Wants to belong
Wants to belong here


How the light
How the light
How does the light get in?
How the light
How the light
How the light gets in
I hope you work it on out

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Record Label(s): 2017 Quicksand, under exclusive license to Epitaph
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