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You've Gotta Love
Red Hot Valentines
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You've Gotta Love Lyrics

I walk away cause I know I hurt you
But don't I feel like I feel I should
Well that's nothin new
I wish I understood
Why I always act so selfish
Why I feel like I can't look at you
What can I do
How can you still love me
After all I've done
I think you've got a love
That I wanna come and get me some
I drove around cause I was thinkin'
Drivin' fast tryin' to lose this feelin'
How I've done it again
How I do it again
When I know exactly what to
And you think that I would want to
Not hurt you again
How can you still love me
After all I've done
I think you've got a love
That I wanna come and get me some
Could you pick me up and dust me off
I need a lot of work
And could you touch my heart
And make it feel like it used to
Well I'm a selfish man without regret
And there's a lot of things
I guess I just dont get
But I want to

Can you show me
Yeah..... yeah..... yeah
Half the time I dont want to be here
Half the time I dont ever want to leave
But I know what's waiting for me
If I just forget about me
Take the time to remember where I am
And who I am
How can you still love me
After all I've done
I think you've got a love
That I wanna come and get me some
Could you pick me up and dust me off
I need a lot of work
And could you touch my heart
And make it feel like it used to
Well I'm a selfish man without regret
And there's a lot of things
I guess I just dont get
But I want to
Can you show me
Yeah..... yeah..... yeah
Could you pick me up and dust me off
I need a lot of work
And could you touch my heart
And make it feel like it used to
Well I'm a selfish man without regret
And there's a lot of things
I guess I just dont get
But I want to
Can you show me
Yeah..... yeah..... yeah

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