Girls I Coulda f*cked
I'm sure you've heard this one before,
What goes around comes back to you...
I forsaken all others this time,
And you proved the saying true...
I played it straight for so long,
Let's place the blame where it belongs...
Remember these last words before it's shut...
I'm haunted by the girls I coulda f*cked
I wish I could make light of it,
I wish I knew what made you do the things you did...
As for the new leaf I turned,
It was too little too late, who was I trying to kid?
Oh, the history that we shared,
Turns to a future I can't bare.
The shit's hit the fan but I can't duck...
And I'm surrounded by girls I coulda f*cked.
There's no where for me to hide,
The shame stares at me in your face....
Every female passerby,
I'll know what to do with next time, just in case....
Sins I wish I could confess,
Are yours to get off your chest,
I watch as the best laid plans run amuck...
I'm surrounded by girls I coulda f*cked.
You're girlfriends, and your sister, too
But my heart belonged you,
In hindsight that theory really sucks,
Cos all of these were girls I coulda f*cked...
Girls you know I really could have....
If I had the chance I would have....