Think upon these, Think upon these things
Whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is
We are to think upon these things, yeah
Whatever is true (whatever is true), whatever is right
(whatever is right), whatever is honorable
We are to think upon these things
Think upon these, Think upon these things
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter
of our faith
Who, for the joy set before Him, endured the cross for
all our shame
Christ is our example of how to live our lives each day
So read about Him in His Word and trust Him and obey
Repeat Chorus
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus,
for good works
That He’s prepared in advance for us and He’s expressed
this in His Word
So be imitators of our God as children dearly loved
You were once in darkness now you’re light to Him, so
set your mind on things above
Oh, Forgetting what’s behind and the time when my soul
was dead
Pressing forward towards the goal to win the heavenly
prize instead
Repeat Chorus
We are to think upon these things
Think upon these, Think about these things, Think upon
We are to think upon these things