At The Table Lyrics

Come on in where the table is spread
and the feast of the Lord is going on

Come on in where the table is spread
and the feast of the Lord is going on

Come on in where the table is spread
and the feast of the Lord is going on

Come on in where the table is spread
and the feast of the Lord is going on

Joy is here where the table is spread
and the feast of the Lord is going on

Joy is here where the table is spread
and the feast of the Lord is going on

(Seekin' healing for your body) It's over here
(Seekin' healing for your soul) Over here
(Seekin' for your souls' salvation) It's over here
(If you want the Lord to make you whole!) Over here

Love is here where the table is spread
and the feast of the Lord is going on
Love is here where the table is spread
and the feast of the Lord is going on

(If you need more strength and more power) It's over here
(relief from your burden and your pain) Over here
(Seekin' for some joy in your sorrow) It's over here
(feast and you will never be the same) Over here

Peace is here where the table is spread
and the feast of the Lord is going on

Peace is here where the table is spread
and the feast of the Lord is going on

It's here right now
want you need is waiting at table!

It's here right now
want you need

At the table, At the table, At the table
At the table, it's here!

At the table, At the table, At the table
At the table, it's here!

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Richard Lee Smallwood
Record Label(s): 1999 Zomba Recording LLC
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