Trash Lyrics

Trash, won't pick it up
Take them lights away
Trash, won't pick it up
Don't take your life away
Trash, don't try to take my life away

And please don'tcha ask me if I love you
If you don't know what I'm doin (whatcha know is)

Those are all the lines, some repeated more, sometimes different wording
Cus I don't know if I do
Cus the way that I feel with you
And take a lovers leap with you
And go to fairyland with you
Go to heaven blue with you
I just don't know if I do
I just don't know if I do

Uh, how do call your lover boy?

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these lyrics are submitted by itunew3
Record Label(s): 2008 Slave To The Rhythm Productions Inc (BCD Music Group)
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