The spotlight briefly highlights his gold and dawn tooth
While his wardrobe compliments the shadows
Black from head to toe
His [?] read like a metaphor about a man who's travel the peaks and the valleys
But, who's not yet met home
The performance, much like the singer himself, echoes an essence of rock and roll
He seems almost embedded in his influences as he sings songs intertwinded in Soul, Rock, Hip-Hop and Country
Instantly Jonnhy Cash crosses the mind as he tips his hat to the crowd, and takes a swig of his teeth staining liquor
There's a feeling, this is not an attempt at searching out liquid courage but, instead a plug to who he really is...
A rebel, a rocker, a man who has come here to tell a story and has no f*cks to give about your reception of that story
These are his nineteen minutes to confess his sins to us, to the world
And the liquor, uh, well, it's just his companion, who calmy awaits his devil's kiss