"O,yeah, Yeah Yeah! Just When I Thought It Was Over- It Started Again..
Just When I Thought It Was Over- It Started Again.. Wooooooh!
I remember when I saw you standing there,
With you, r little hand, Waving goodbye.I thought we never meet again,
So now, When you, r back in my arms I must say, Hey Hey Hey!
I feel soo good, Oh, Oh, Oh. I feel soo good, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah..
Just When I Thought It Was Over.. (Instrumentalt)
Just When I Thought It Was Over, -It Started Again.. Ooooh..
You know, I try to call you a couple of times, Ther,s no answer,
Soo then, When we meet again, Quite unexspectedly,
On that cafe, I say to my self,
Aha! It, s destiny! That brought us together again, Waow! Hey, Hey Hey..
I feel soo good, Oh, Oh, Oh, I feel so good, Yaayajaja.. Oh, Yeah, Yeah..
Oh You look soo beautiful, Come on Come on let, s dance now Baby.. Wooohooo!(instrumentalt+kör,Sen slut)