What's in that box? What's hiding in here? Pictures
from Bedford, taken half a blue moon ago.
My we were young then, all mix-tapes and alcopops,bum
bags, shell suits and meatloaf CDs.
Did I really dress like that and dance to that tune?
Then stumble home drunk by the light of the moon.
Guess times they change and the change times they guess
and nonsense can still have a welcoming ring.
My Weezer cd's now they hardly get played, my obsession
with Ani Difranco has faded,
You might ask is anything certain these days, I would
probably tell you that I love Leonard Cohen.
A snail carries with him some slime and a shell, I've
got ten boxes plus cartons as well,
As these books, bags and a case my grandfather used in
the war.
Did I really write those words and did she write back?
Stray hands in Row G all through that James Bond film.
Nonsense it still has a welcoming ring and heroes they
still don't come easy.
Did I really dress like that and dance to that tune?
Then stumble home drunk by the light of the moon.
Guess times they change and the change times they guess
and nonsense can still have a welcoming ring.