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The Plan
Robin Rogers
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The Plan Lyrics

Well I come too far
To look back now
Just a little bit of faith
Turned all around
I couldn't feel much better
Even if I try
You know that everything is going as planned
I got your love
That's all I need
Nobody .. you baby
The way you .. me
I couldn't feel much better
Even if I try
You know that everything is going as planned
I got good friends
They're on my heart
I know if I need them
It's just one call
I couldn't feel much better
Even if I try
You know that everything is going as planned
I got the very best job
I get to sing all night
That's a real blessing
From 9 to 5
I couldn't feel much better
Even if I try
You know that everything is going as planned
I got a little red house
I feel right at home
I'm walking the course
Where I belong
I couldn't feel much better
Even if I try
You know that everything is going as planned
I tell you
Everything is going as planned
You know that everything is going as planned

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these lyrics are submitted by itunew3
Record Label(s): 2010 Blind Pig Records
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