The crowd roared as I basked in the spotlight’s glow
That magic was the greatest high I’ve ever known
Those years flowed by just like the whiskey and the
pills it washed down
It’s amazing now that somehow I am even still around
It was just a matter of time ‘til it all came crashing
Those days won’t ever come again
No matter how hard I pretend
Wait, yes, they will--now I can see
The stars will all become aligned
And choose a soul on which to shine
That special space in time is bound to come again
But not for me
God took her--now my life is an empty hole
It’s like I lost more than only half my soul
I thought I was so damn strong but without her tender
I’m on a ledge, all I need is the slightest little
I’d giving anything to go back to when we first fell in
Those days won’t ever come again
No matter how hard I pretend
Wait, yes, they will--now I can see
The star will all become aligned
And choose a soul on which to shine
That special space in time is bound to come again
But not for me
The crowd roared as I basked in the spotlight’s glow
God took her and I lost more than half my soul