Coveted by great hordes of men
Seeking the famous gem-power to bring them joy
Hidden from dangers in the ground
Buried as soon as found - safe under dirt and coin
Betrayed by promises of old, the gem just left him cold
So in the hole it stayed
Hidden there's no joy
Hidden no lives touched
Hidden no change in hearts of men
Hunted by armies of the land
Confident in their hands the promises would come true
Finally under veil of night,
Stolen by blood and might,
the quest for the gem was through
Betrayed by promises of old, the stone left them cold
So in a new hole laid
Stolen there's no joy
Stolen no lives touched
Stolen no change in hearts of men
Through years of theft and battle changing hands
(Gotten at great cost)
And carried as a prize to foreign lands
(Scarred deeply and chipped)
Waiting for the stone to show its pow'r
(Held high as a trophy)
The victors spent their lives confused and sour
(But never a gift)
This treasure just desired for its name
(Hoarded and buried)
Yet nothing realized to earn such fame
(Forgotten and cold)
A thing of beauty begging to be found
(Its light like a drapery)
For fear conscribed to languish underground
(Adorning a hole)
Now in my father's empty home,
me and my child alone happen upon the stone
I had heard stories through the years and with no
little fear, I give it to my boy
At last the promises of old were just as they'd been
told and now the whole was known
Power to bring joy
Power to touch lives
Power to change the heart of man