remember when i used to be in my high school its misery
remember then i can't pretend or make a band or drive a van
or make a sandwich with my girl friend come to me remember me
don't worry no happy don’t come to me no sorry don’t worry
i used to be like this lonely don't come to me
remember when i used to be mourning with my buddies
remember then i can't pretend or make a band or drive a van
or make a sandwich with my girl friend keep it real remember me
keep i real not ignore me keep it real come to me keep it real walks with me
dont be worry I am not happy don’t come to me
I am no sorry i used to be
just like a rain drops and making you cold
just like a rain drops crazy like hip hop
just like a rain drops and making you cold
keep it real ignore me
keep it real not remember me keep it real not come to me keep it real not walks with me
don't be worry I am really happy don't cry with me
I am so sorry i used to be now i can be somebody
just like a rain drops and making you cold
just like a rain drops crazy like hip hop
just like a rain drops and making you cold
20 May 2010
All rights Reserved to Salman Aditya