He says: sonno qui, I am here, come with me I love you
Than you know my valentino, io ti amo asai
Dont you know you are mine tu sai mio valentine, io ti
His words say that he loves me in so many ways
Sono qui, come with me, valentine you are mine, I love
Death by the moonlight hes holding me tight, my bambino
I dont wanna wake up an angel to me that can fly
I light up the night when my arms reunight, sai carino
I open my eyes to the tender goodbyes at the night
Keep sayin it: sonno qui, I am here, come with me I
love you more
Than you know my valentino, io ti amo asai
Dont you know you are mine tu sai mio valentine, io ti
His words say that he loves me in so many ways
sono qui, come with me, valentine you are mine I love
His words say that he loves me in so many ways
sono qui, come with me, valentine you are mine I love
Keep sayin it: sonno qui, I am here come with me I love
you more
Than you know my valentino, io ti amo asai
Dont you know you are mine tu sai mio valentine, io ti
Sonno qui, I am here, come with me I love you more
Than you know my valentino, io ti amo asai
Dont you know you are mine tu sai mio valentine, io ti
I am here, come with me, valentine, io ti amo, io ti
amo, io ti amo!