Flat nose whistle goes up ahead.
Up ahead
on the El Greco grunt-
God creates man and then animals.
God creates animals and then man.
Jackaroo in the slew.
-let its tinnitustic needles sew back shadow.
She holds a baby made of towels up ahead.
Up ahead
on the baleen bronchial-
Jacob's offspring in Egypt totalled seventy.
Jacob's offspring in Egypt totalled seventy five.
-let the leashes strain sustain those jaw-joints surging.
Aw-shucks. Aw-Gee.
The Porter sticks with the Porter's dreams.
(Shoot to a wing-tip pawing the ground.)
I wouldn't trust him not to dance a drachma across his knuckles.
Twenty-seven inches from heel to heel-
Lardie, Lardie, Lardie.
-while every skin is raised. While every eye was grazed.
Thrushy-tongue lolling up ahead.
Up ahead
on the sarcomere stump-
The women came to the tomb at dawn.
Booty chatter!
The women came when the sun had risen.
-let this throat's Colombian Necktie- choke that Franglais.
Flat nose whistle goes up ahead.
Up ahead
on the Pilates punk.
The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree.
The righteous shall perish and no man layeth it to heart.
I swerved away into the dark.
Forty-five inches from heel to heel...
Forty-five inches from heel to heel...
Forty-five inches from heel to heel...
There but for the grace of god goes God.