'how good's your hearin'?' the voice said across the wire
'you got marryin' cousins or any for hire?
you got dollars or donuts fresh from the fire?
you got any old sod or any fresh mire?
you got sons who gone loco or whores that you sired?
you got notions or ideas to crawl up on the pyre?
what you got? said the voice I said 'I got Despair Tire'
then spinning around
in the widening gyre
I recalled an old tune
& I figured I'd try her
'I can't hear a thing' I said in a burst
but I could have sworn I wasn't here first'
'that's what I thought' the voice said like a gas
'but I'll guaradoubledamntee you could be the last'
'well thanks but no thanks' I said reaching higher
'& forget the hot rod & leggo Despair Tire'
'o sure' said the cognac
'o sure' said the voice
'o sure' said the answer
which wasn't a choice
'o sure' said the ashes
'o sure' said the fire
'plphughplph' said the motor
yahumnm Despair Tire
there was nothin to it & not much to be
ashoutin & hootin & singin with glee
yet it got pretty gruesome there just by the fall
& come the next Christmas no one stood tall
& now who sits waitin to hear another town crier
come screechin the news that they stole Despair Tire
let em screech till they mantra
let em hem like they haw
let us seek out a sutra
let's hear the crow caw
& sing out a good one
for ma & for pa
& let us dance higher
& may we fly far
& when we get home
don't forget Despair Tire