You And Your Commie Friends Lyrics

I know what you're up to
I can see it in your eyes
It's time to topple the free market system you despise
I know what you're up to
There's no use trying to hide
You're filling the minds of our next generation with your lies

And everything you say or do
I see right through
I know your kind
It's all a ploy just to destroy the bourgeoisie
Do you think I'm blind?

Don't think I don't know what you're up to
You know I'm gonna stop you
You and your commie friends
Don't think I don't know what you're up to
There's a place reserved in hell
Just for you and all your communist friends

I know what you're up to
Don't pretend that you don't understand
'Cause I know what you're up to and I'll fight it right down to the end
I know what you're up to
With your long hair and your tye dye clothes
I know there's a conspiracy beneath it that I will expose

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these lyrics are submitted by itunew3
Record Label(s): 2008 Sandwichland Productions
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