I'll look on responsibly, I won't breathe a word I
swearThe emancipation of the rich will benefit who again?
I'm sorry, but the means always reflects it's end,
and the blood bath's still warm and running over, running
over me
Now thinking's obsolete, and blood don't feel all that
Why does the family divide?
Disarm the threat- decentralise
See choice is the right to kill-
But life subject to state control,
And we're all left wondering why
Our constitution don't apply
While government's doing it's best
To further chem, and oil interests.
Blood red under blue skies failing notice- I'm all right
Never looking out for one another- how will we survive?
The more things change the more they seem to stay the
We shuffle the deck- but the cards remain
And the same hand still gets played.
Every reason is kept at bay, and any meaning lost in the
Passionless, indifferent we look on.