Here I am, a different man. filled with distractions.
Became the world that moves right outside my door.
Make a plan if I can or live with the hand.
That was dealt after a fair reaction.
Youæ³e no idea just whatæ¯ in store.
If thereæ¯ only today, tomorrowæ¯ a throw away.
Youæ³e got something to say, never just throw away.
Walk along, donæ° be alone, a rolling stone.
Itæ¯ not, not just today.
Wasting time, I lost my mind.
Each day is passing.
Each moment just makes up the total in the end.
You sew, you reap, you laugh, you weep.
Hopeæ¯ it forever lasting.
Hope itæ¯ not futile in the end.