Dreamer Lyrics

Watching the times go by
Can you tell me why- my life is on and on an on wothout
a call
Tearing me up again
Try to find my sense
Is there a way to do it?
Well I can live in my dreams
Where I find what it needs for me to get me through the
Again and again
Year I can live in my dreams
And noone will ever take my dreaming away
I travell the seven seas
Ride through deserts with the wind
I'm hiking up the hills to Katmandu
It's a never ending show
Be whereever you wanna go
There's no fear to see no limits
I can live in my dreams
Where I find what it needs for me to get me through the
Again and again
Year I can live in my dreams
And noone will ever take my dreaming away
It's my own private room
It's where I can be myself
Where the voice tells me not
What to do or not to do
Where I'm the captain of my fate
It's a place my mind can stay
Where I find what I'm searching for
But when I try to make it real
All I get is just pain
I can live in my dreams

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Richard Davies, Roger Hodgson
Record Label(s): 2024 7641905 Records DK
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