Day to day - Day in day out
Hum drum - Drone zone
To and fro and so it goes
Hum drum - Drone zone
Buzz buzzing busy bees
Consumer dreams
And mall shopping schemes
Buzz buzzing oh look at their eyes
They're mesmerized in the drone zone
Far up above - Up and away
Up in the ether of opal and grey
Biding our time at the end of a line
We're cast adrift on the doldrum shift
Buzz buzzing is far away
As we wait to be blown clear away
Buzz buzzing we wait alone
To make a break from the drone zone
Far down below - Row after row
Insect life in a healthy cancer glow
Manicured lawns - Stretch to a yawn
Hum drum - Drone zone
Buzz buzzing busy bees
Buzz bussing in the breeze
Buzz bussing all alone
To and fro in the drone zone.