Fade Away Lyrics

Trace patterns to see

If we're just rewriting history
The die it was cast long ago

A carbon copy we could have been

Buried under files that won't be seen

The die it was cast long ago
Everybody seems content to fade away

Ooo you got it, don't shut it away

Something once mattered to me
But it's forgotten so conveniently
Is it the end of the family line?

A carbon copy I could have been

Don't you know I never

The die it was cast long ago
Settled for the in-between

Everybody seems content to fade away

Ooo you got it, don't shut it away

Everybody seems content to fade away
Ooo you got it, don't shut it away

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Songwriter(s): John Cale, Larry Sloman
Record Label(s): 2004 KOCH RECORDS
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