What's the deal with destiny?
It's got me guessing when I shouldn't be
Am I a slave to the way (the why) whatever God made me
Were the choices even mine to make?
As I saw my youth in the splendor of a well lit sky
And the moon's reflection on a pebble
I saw my future in a dust cloud
As dull as anything to be remembered
So I traded the vows and bands in the presence of family and friends
Now I'm a slave, to mood ring eyes
Blue when you're happy and grey when you cry
Don't be a slave, be a servant with purpose
Because it would be worthless to to give up on a book
Just because you think you know how it's ending
And search for the hidden chapters
The pages that capture life and define the meaning that we are all after
..I'm no longer a slave to the grave
I'm a servant to those circles
My life finally feels worth the skin I'm living in
I still see my youth in the splendor of a well lit sky
And the moon's reflection on a pebble
But now I see my future past the dust cloud
And I know it's something to be remembered