Loser Heaven Lyrics

When you came in the door the draught from the past blew
out my candle.
So you found God at last, don’t play much poker no more.
And you smiled and said ‘I’m fine’ and you still got Dan
Dare’s jaw-line,
I said I’ll take you down the Via Dolorosa to where my
friends are at,
Repo-men and junkies, rent-boys, loan-sharks and guys
like that.
It’s kind of like loser heaven………….
By the hallelujah lamp-post lives a bag-lady with a sack
of spells to sell,
Her Daddy'd been a hangman she said, she still goes puts
daisies on his grave.
And then maybe we could stop
By Kinky Al’s Motorcycle Shop
It’s just a crummy gig I play for change, just a toilet
but it’s good for my self-esteem,
And when Al gets up to do his Patsy Cline thing
I work my way through his harem,
And it’s like I’m in loser heaven .………….

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2008 One Little Independent Records
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