We know the secret reason, the reason for his parricide
the silent and illusive try to stop the fleeting hand of
time. A strategy, that will always be but a hopeless
venture, bound to fail, and all he ever does conceive is
a twisted kind of burial; which he had never though to
yield...- as something further lies concealed.
Burying the children in a hurry, secretly within the
tomb, in the gentle safety ... of his own belly, where,
soundly asleep, they'll be waiting for the time of their
delivery ... and exactly that's the irony! Something that
he had never thought to yield...- as something further
lies concealed.
Fear ... this is the secret name, driving force and
motivation for his attempt to stop the wheal; yes,
something further leis concealed. We tru ly know the
secret reason, still something further lies concealed,
the dreadful murder, a sad illusion, now something else
shall be revealed:
I, your child, bury myself within your body eagerly,
forbidden taste, never admitted, driven by the ghouls of
fear . Refuge for unspoken longing(s), we are not quite
ready for this world; in silent slumber of a darker
safety...- into my mother's womb I want to return.